Friday, March 18, 2016

How To Part With Clutter

We all have things that are near and dear to our hearts. Things that are special and we can never see ourselves parting with. Many times it's something that belonged to a loved one that has past away or things that are from our "glory days". When life gets topsy turvy its so simple just to throw things in boxes and hide it away in the basement or in most cases rent out a storage unit.

I've heard it said that when someone plans on renting a storage unit for their things its only supposed to be a temporary move, but more often than not the stuff sits in the unit for years with out being touched. But the bigger issue is that we are accumulating things just to have things.

I had a client once who's mother had pasted away and she rented out a whole condo underneath her own for her mothers belongings, in which she was adamant about not going through. Now, I can't say that I personally know what it's like to lose my mother or my father yet but I do have children and understand what its like to have to donate all their baby things and come to realization that, that season of my life is now over. I think as humans its in out carnal nature to make excuses for why we do things. It took me 8 years to get rid of my girls baby clothes because I thought I might need them one day. Truth is if I had another girl that would 5 kids and I meant just lose my mind, up in here, up in here. HAHA! Some reasons I come across when working with people for not getting rid of things are;

#1 It's sentimental. If given enough time for someone to think about it, everything we have in our homes has a reason it should stay right where it is. We bought it for a reason, because we liked it. But then there are things we have in our homes that were loved one's. Most likely all their things are in boxes. Let me ask a couple questions... What is more honoring of your family member, 12 boxes of their things or 3 or 4 things displayed (and taken care of) around your house? If its been in the boxes for a while, are the things that important to you? Or the actual person?

What about for kids art projects and reports etc? I always suggest you get ONE clear bin, how ever big or small you like, and put everything in there.

What I do to pick what kids crafts I want to keep? I  have a old crib spring in the hallway that we use as a bulletin board. Tutorial Here
The kids put their favorite pictures or tests that they are proud of up there. When it gets full I pick my favorites and put them in my memory bin. I've found it helps the kids when I say I've recycled their other projects instead of saying I through them in the trash.

#2 It was a gift. How many times have we opened a gift and pulled it out of the box with a fake smile and a cheesy "thanks, it's what I've always wanted", knowing you'll never use it or wear it. Take that bad boy back to the store and get something you'll use! If it's been sitting in your closet for a few years then don't feel bad. Has the person whom gifted it asked about it at all? More than likely they haven't, and if they're anything like me, with it almost spring time, they have already totally forgotten what they got you for Christmas let alone something they got you 5 years ago.

#3 I paid money for it.  Everything you have costs money,unless gifted, but the truth of the matter is that keeping it won't bring the money back.

#4 What if I need it one day? This is the one that I struggled with. I think what flipped a switch with me was when I knew that 4 kids was my limit and it was then that I realized that other people were not done having children and they could really benefit from the baby things I had in the attic. I kid you not, we had 16 bags of clothes,blankets and/or burp clothes that we donated to the Salvation Army.
A rule of thumbs is if you haven't worn it in the last year then you won't wear it. You've had 365 days to wear it and you didn't choose to put it on. It's time to donate it so someone can have it. Hey, you never know, it may end up being their favorite thing they ever bought! Giving something away is never done in vain.

#5 I don't know where to start. Start in one room and don't go on to a new project until that room is all the way finished. It helps to break it down into sections. For example is there are a lot of clothes, go through all the bins and get the clothes out. Put in laundry baskets to be washed, fold/hang them up or put into a box to donate. Another way to do it is to start in one corner and work your way around the room. If you skip around the room it doesn't look like you have made any progress. If you start in the corner then when you look back, the corner will be done and you will see the progress . Before you start don't assume everything has to go in the trash for the room to be cleaned. Many things can be donated or belong in a different room of the house.

The question isn't how you got all this clutter but why you have it. There are a few things to remember when you're in a situation where your things have consumed your space and are stressing you out.

#1 If everything is important then nothing is important.

#2 We are not your stuff. Your things do NOT define you.

#3 Memories are in your mind not in material items.

#4 Letting things go is on the same playing field as forgiveness- freeing.

Once we begin to let these concept dictate our thinking about material things we begin to let the chains fall. It lifts a lot of weight and its a relief that things are done.

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