Monday, March 14, 2016

Getting To Know Me

With this being my first blog post there are so many topics to post about. I feel as time goes on I will grow in my practice of organizing along with my blogging style. Blogging always seemed like a far fetched thing that I never had time for. Now that the kids are school age it frees up a bit of time from chasing toddlers around and changing stinky diapers.

In creating this blog I've asked a few of my friends to give me some topics that they struggle with. I've been at the organizing game for 4 years now and it seems like there's still so much to learn. I say that because every person is different and their back story is always unique. 

I would like to share a little of my back story of how I got into organizing with everyone. When I was a single mom I was working as an insurance agent. Being an insurance agent was the hardest job I'd ever had in my life. I worked 50-55 hours a week with no promise of a commission check. If you know me I'm more of an introvert and far from the "in your face buy from me" kinda person. Cold calling is my worst enemy... well that and home made brownies. Those things have got me pulling out my hair. I can never seem to get the bake time right. ANY WHO!... 

So I took a job at an insurance company but this time as a part time receptionist. It was a newer branch of the company and brand new office. I was the first person to take on the position so the kinks were being worked out as my time there progressed. My very first task as the receptionist, wouldn't you know, was to organize his client files on the computer. Deleting any duplicates putting spouses contact files together, that sort of thing.  Doesn't sound very fun but to me it was something I had never done before and turns out I enjoyed it. My time there had it ups and downs and a visit to the Pastors office to shed some tears. But as I worked there I ended up reorganizing the mailbox system, all insurance agents forms, created a good system on reordering life insurance forms, purged and refiled/moved all 200 some client files and cleaned up the storage room. Once I had a good system down for all the daily tasks I felt like he was paying me to sit around and I left my position on a mutual basis. In the midst of all of this, this is where I heard the Lord's call for my life. Organizing.

Its been 4 years since then and client after client I feel my self becoming more and more confident with myself and with the work that I do. I never pictured myself doing this line of work but here I am and here I'll be. I've come to realize that even though every person and situation is different, there is one thing that is the same, I'm never there for myself I'm there for my clients to help them, to free them from stress and some times, bondage from the things that tie us down and keep us from truly living the life we were meant to live. 


  1. Good Job! God Bless u Talent..

  2. Your off to a good start! Keep up the good work! And hopefully you can help many people along the way with your blog!

  3. Thanks guys! It's going to be an adventure.
