I've heard someone say that cleaning your house with kids is like
brushing your teeth with Oreos. No matter how many times you clean up an hour later it looks like a tornado went through and tore the place apart. I’ve never been the type to follow my kids around and clean up
after them as the toys hit the ground, because as busy mom's, "ain't no body got time for that!" So I wanted to share some tricks you can
implement to keep the house looking nice AND keep your sanity!
Rule number one: Have rules and stick to them! As much as our kids don’t like it and even rebel,
structure is a key component to raising respectful and selfless children. Do
you have clear boundaries set? If you asked them would they be able to tell you
what those boundaries are?
Structure leads me into my first tip…
Checklist: Make a clear check list of things that they need
to do. Make one for the morning and one for after school. It doesn’t have to be
fancy. Write it out on paper and slide it into a plastic sleeve that can be erased and written on with a dry erase marker. Make it clear that they have to
finish their check list before the can play out side, play on the Xbox,
watch TV, or whatever they enjoy doing. Let them know if they check off the list and
they actually didn’t finish the tasks they lose their privilege for the night.
Stick to your guns mom and dad! If they
slack off and don’t do their list and you let them play anyway, there's no point in
asking them to help because you'll get frustrated, they’ll get an attitude and
before you know it you're more stressed out than if you were to do it all
yourself. If they don’t get their list done they don’t play. There will probably be push back the first
time or so but they will learn that you’re serious and soon will respect your
rules and get their tasks completed.

Have a shoe box sized bin to hold crayons colored pencils
and markers. Go through them every once in a while to sharpen the colored
pencils and throw away any broken crayons and dried up markers. I do this
during spring break and at the end of
summer break when were getting ready to go back for a new school year.
Have a specific place for them to keep their book bags whether its in their room or on a hook in the mud room.
Board games: After 10
years I have given up on puzzles. I know, I know, I know bad Mommy! But let me
tell you what, I should have implemented the “one game at a time” rule about 7
years ago. I recently put a couple rules up for the game closet and, to my surprise, the kids
actually follow them. My 3( almost four) year old is the enforcer and will tattle
if the older kids forget. I didn’t enforce “heavy” rules; just ones to remind
them to play nice with the pieces, and no fighting.
Happy Organizing!
Happy Organizing!
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