Monday, September 18, 2017

Let me propose something to you. In light of hurricane Harvey, If you had to evacuate your home in under 10 minutes what items would you throw into the trunk of your car? Many of us hold on to so many things. Things that we say we might need some day. What if the things that "you might need someday" are the things that someone else needs right now? Trust me, you don't need 7 serving spoons and 10 serving dishes... You just don't. When you look at the items in your home, think about the last time you used them, and that someone else might not be able to afford to buy a brand new one. Donate it. If you're not sure if the quality is good enough to donate... donate it anyways. Let the employees at Salvation Army deem it donatable( yes, I made that word up hehe)or not.


 Organizing and Perfection

It's just like social media to make us feel bad about ourselves, yes? How many times have you looked on someone's Instagram page or Facebook page and said to yourself"self! I wish my house looked like that." The reality of it is that, if you were to jump inside that tiny picture of their seemingly perfect life, you'll notice something. Something that is all too familiar... Clutter! If you could see the photo before it was edited you would see all the clutter that they pushed just outside of the camera's frame, or they have thrown all their junk into a basket and shoved it into the the closet or in the cabinets. The reality is, our lives aren't like magazines. Keep your chin up and remember... real people are never perfect and perfect people aren't real.